Great news from WKF NEPAL


Mr. Sowyamvu Raj Dangol is a renowned and reputed Senior Martial Artist of Nepal. He had started to learn Karate and Kickboxing in the very beginning at the age of 15. He had learnt many styles of Martial Arts during his 35 years sports life. He is a 5th Degree holder in World’s ancient martial arts PANKRATION, 4th Degree in Jendo and Arnis, 2nd Degree in Kickboxing, 2nd Degree in Karate and 3rd Degree in Taekwondo in Nepal.

Mr. Dangol has participated in numerous national as well as various International Martial Arts Tournaments in his life. He participated in International Invitational Kick Boxing Championship-2001 won Silver Medal that was held in Nepal in 2001 which was his first competition in his Martial Arts Journey.

Similarly, he competed in many National and International Karate Championships and other styles of martial arts at past. Currently He is working as a president and Chief Instructor of Nepal All Styles Martial Arts Association. And operating training of various styles of martial arts including Kickboxing, Karate, MMA, Taekwondo and Self Defense in under the NASMAA Academy.

Except being an Multi style martial arts instructor, He is one of most successful Sports administrator and manager in the history of Nepali Sports. He has organized many National, Regional and District Level’s Martial Arts Tournaments under his presidency. Most importantly, he has managed to organize First National Martial Arts Festival-2012 and first National Self Defense Seminar-2010 for the very first time in the country.

Similarly, everyone admired his ability and courage when he organized 1st National Youth Sports Festival in Kathmandu, Nepal successfully on 2009.

There were 10 different disciplines of sports and martial arts participated in the festival.


Except this as a technical committee member he played important and significant role to make a grand success of the National Games that was organized by National Sports Council of Nepal. And did outstanding job as a Member of Inspection and Evaluation Committee during 13th South Asian Games-2019 that was held in Kathmandu, Nepal.

He is planning to host International Referee seminar of Kickboxing in Nepal within 2023 September and planning to organize 1st South Asian Kickboxing Championship in 2023 November with the sanction of World Kickboxing Federation. In order to run Kickboxing events and activities in Nepal he formed Nepal Kickboxing Federation and working hard to fulfill objectives of the federation.
World Kickboxing Federation wish him all the best for his efforts and endeavor to organize Kickboxing events with grand success.

WKF AUSTRIA present European Championships 2022

WKF AUSTRIA president Mrs. Tanja HELML


31 countries have today already

received their username and

password on request

Don’t miss the registration deadline October 7th

book your Hotel today !

The Austrian WKF team is working hard for the European Championship in Wels near Linz.

The City Wels celebrate 2022 it´s 800 Years of foundation.

The date is long time confirmed for October 24th to 29th.

The Austrian team also have referees who are going to take part of the annual World Referee seminar October 21st to 23rd.

Just  the weekend before the European Championships.

The organizing Team of the European Championships is led by the WKF AUSTRIA President Mrs. Tanja HELML. MAIL


You can participate in various disciplines and categories:

For kids  under 13,  juniors  under 18, adults 16-35, veterans 35 -40 and masters 40 +: Forms, Semi contact, Light contact.


For adults 16-35 Years: Kick light, Full contact, Low kick, K-1, Thai Boxing, Sanda, MMA.






Ultimas noticias de Latinoamérica / news from Latin America

Franco Agosto – winner in Argentina, Champions belt presented by our LAC director Carlos SUAREZ

Nuestro Director para WKF Latinoamérica, el Sr. Carlos SUAREZ, informa sobre sus últimas novedades

Latinoamérica sigue creciendo a pasos gigantes, se ve en países como Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela y Argentina que apuestan fuerte al trabajo en equipo y al sumar conocimiento en cada capacitación.

En 2022 la política de trabajo del director de Latinoamérica es viajar a cada país del continente y acercarse a los representantes y promotores para sumar experiencias y conocimientos. Esto forma parte del plan de trabajo con vistas al Sudamericano 2023 y el mundial de Francia 2024 donde se espera una fuerte presencia de países Latinos.


WKF BOLIVIA – Copa Internacional

WKF BOLIVIA officials did a great job again

El pasado 28 de agosto se realizó en Cochabamba Bolivia de la mano del promotor Internacional Oliver Guzman Espinosa la Copa Amistad donde se enfrentaron los equipos nacionales de Bolivia y Chile por la disputa de la copa quedando la misma en poder de Chile por 4 a 1. Esta copa se realizó en el marco de unas 20 contiendas con representantes de 4 departamentos. Además, el sábado 27 se realizó la capacitación de Autoridades de ring para formar equipos de trabajo en el país de nivel 1. Oliver busca llevar a WKF a cada rincón del país una gran labor le queda por delante. El evento contó con la visita del director de Latinoamérica Carlos Suarez quien superviso el evento.


WKF ARGENTINA – Nuevo Campeón Profesional

Franco Agosto new Champion

El 3 de setiembre en el marco de BTF – Buenos Aires Top Fights organizado por Carlos Suarez y Cristian Bosch se realizó la disputa del campeonato argentino profesional de Full Contact entre Franco Agosto de Buenos Aires y Santiago Blanco de San Luis ambos en las primeras posiciones del ranking Nacional.

El triunfo quedo para Franco Agosto en una pelea a 7 round golpe por golpe. Felicitamos al nuevo Campeón.


WKF URUGUAY – Título Continental PRO-AM LowKick – 67 Kg

Nicolas Mujica, director de WKF, para el país charrúa, el próximo 8 de octubre en Montevideo realizará el Título continental donde se sumará un nuevo campeón PRO-AM continental a lista de campeones WKF. Recordamos que en 2022 se disputaron ya títulos en Chile (K1-67 Kgs y Colombia (promotor Hector Gomez) K1-71 Kgs y se esperan al menos 3 más en lo que reste del año, entre ellos 2 Femeninos.


WKF COLOMBIA – Certificación Internacional, Copas, Capacitación y Títulos.

Promoters in Colombia Sr. Luis Mediomundo, will promote great event November 18th to 20th

De la mano del promotor para Colombia Luis Mediomundo en noviembre del 18 al 20 se realizarán diferentes actividades que incluyen Certificación internacional de grados, Capacitaciones para Autoridades de ring de Nivel 2, una copa Continental entre Argentina y Colombia y Títulos Nacionales y Continentales. Como director de Latinoamérica quiero destacar el trabajo del Promotor Luis Mediomundo quien busca superarse día a día.


WKF CHILE – Exitoso trabajo de Rodrigo Miño

Cochabamba, Bolivia, great WKF Referee seminar

El director para Chile Rodrigo Miño Silva viene trabajando muy duro en su país, no solo a nivel Nacional sino también a nivel Internacional. Este 2022 ha participado de todas las copas y disputa de Cinturones Continentales y ha puesto en alto la bandera de Chile en más de una oportunidad.

El 5 de noviembre se disputará la revancha de la copa trasandina en Santiago de Chile que se realizó en febrero donde en su momento Argentina se quedó con el triunfo por 4 a 1

Rodrigo es un gran trabajador y una persona de bien que busca que su país ingrese en el TOP 10 en el próximo mundial de Francia.


WKF VENEZUELA – Trabajando firme y en plena expansión

Alfredo Cueva está trabajando en la expansión de WKF en su país ya superando la pandemia buscar instaurar a WKF en cada departamento esperamos que pronto tenga excelentes resultados y que un fuerte equipo venezolano se presente en las competencias internacionales venideras.


REUNION CONTINENTAL – Se definen los últimos meses del año.

El próximo sábado 17 de Setiembre se realizará la tercera reunión continental del año donde se definirán los objetivos para el último trimestre a nivel continental se espera la presencia de todos los países en la misma.

América sigue creciendo ¡

Nadie es más fuerte que todos nosotros juntos!

WKF QATAR now in WKF World wide family

مرحبًا بقطر في عائلة WKF

انقر هنا للمزيد من المعلومات

WKF HEAD OFFICE welcome our new 143th member in our World wide family.

CV of our new president in Qatar

President is Mr. Mohammed Hassen AL-MANSOORI , a member of the Qatar Olympic committee as well.

Mr. Al-Mansoori is a high respected sportsman and manager in the Arabic world and runs the “International sport centre” in Doha.

Our team in Qatar practice many disciplines with experts in martial arts for Years.

In tatami sports Karate and Taekwondo, forms and kata.

All divisions of Kickboxing, Muay Thai, and Sanda.

For amateurs as well as for professional fighters, male and female.

Very soon we will have our events in Doha, and we appreciate to have a national team by the upcoming World Championships 2024 in France.

Perhaps we can Welcome Qatar officials and referees in our World referee seminar in Austria in October !

Welcome in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2022


full invitation on request HERE !

Thank you very much to the World Kickboxing Federation for the success it has achieved and continues to achieve.

The success of the last amazing World Championship in Cairo, Egypt, increased the evidence of our success around the world.

Mr. Puro Okelo Obob

Friends everywhere prepare for our great and important “African continental congress” with elections of the Board in my country Ethiopia. The international open  “WKF Africa continental referee seminar” will also be held.

Special guest is WKF World president Mr. Fritz EXENBERGER


If YOU want to represent your country in WKF AFRICA continental association for the next 4 years and work on the board, you absolutely have to come to this congress !


My team and I work hard to make you a comfortable stay in my city, to prepare a great and unforgettable event.

Nice Hotels near the great event hall will give the best atmosphere for all teams, to feel great, safe and like at home.

Mr. Puro with international friends and WKF officials in Cairo

We are waiting for you at the “African continental congress”  and 

“WKF Africa continental referee seminar” ,

be welcome in my City Addis Ababa!

Thanks to the brothers in the world executive office!

For any further information contact Mr. Puro directly by MAIL!

WKF NETHERLANDS confirm huge team for the World Championships


Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis op het Afrikaanse continent!


Het Nederlandse WKF-team werkt hard voor het Wereldkampioenschap in Caïro, Egypte. Het wordt gehouden van 18 tot 24 oktober 2021. Promotor WKF AFRICA continentale federatie!

Atleten van het Nederlandse team zullen deelnemen aan verschillende disciplines. Het Nederlandse team heeft ook scheidsrechters die deelnemen aan het World Referee seminar.

Het team staat onder leiding van de WKF Nederlandse president Sijou VAN DER SPEK.

Als u zich bij het Nederlandse team wilt aansluiten, neem dan vandaag nog contact op met Sijou VAN DER SPEK.

U kunt uw verzoek sturen naar:

Je kunt deelnemen aan verschillende disciplines en categorieën:

Voor kinderen onder de 13, junioren onder de 18, volwassenen 16-35, veteranen 35-40 en meesters 40 +: Formulieren, Semi-contact, Licht contact.

Voor volwassenen van 16-35 jaar: kick light, full contact, low kick, K-1, Thai Boxing, Sanda, MMA.

Wacht niet langer

Word lid van de beste en grootste organisatie ter wereld en word lid van de WKF

The Dutch WCF team is working hard for the World Championship in Cairo, Egypt. It will be held from October 18 to 24, 2021. Promoter WKF AFRICA Continental Federation!

Athletes from the Dutch team will participate in different disciplines. The Dutch team also has referees who participate in the World Referee seminar. The team is led by WKF Dutch president Sijou VAN DER SPEK.

If you would like to join the Dutch team, please contact Sijou VAN DER SPEK today. You can send your request to:

You can participate in different disciplines and categories: For Children Under 13, Juniors Under 18, Adults 16-35, Veterans 35-40, and Masters 40+: Forms, Semi-Contact, Light Contact. For adults aged 16-35: kick light, full contact, low kick, K-1, Thai Boxing, Sanda, MMA. Do not wait any longer. Join the best and largest organization in the world and become a member of the WKF

WKF IRAN confirm best team for the World Championships in Cairo

Mr. Amir MOSADEGH, WKF IRAN /MMA division World president

We are delighted to announce that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s National Kickboxing Team is fully ready to attend the World Kickboxing Championship tournament in Egypt.

The WKF Iranian team is made up of some of the best and talented gladiators registered.



خوشحالیم که اعلام می کنیم تیم ملی کیک بوکسینگ جمهوری اسلامی ایران کاملاً آماده حضور در مسابقات قهرمانی کیک بوکسینگ جهانی در مصر است. تیم ایران از بهترین و با استعدادترین گلادیاتورهای ثبت شده تشکیل شده است.


WKF IRAN president Mr. Amir MOSADEGH is our high respected WKF ASIA continental director.

On the World meeting of board of directors 2016 in Italy, majority vote for Mr. Mosadegh as new WKF MMA division World president.

Best decision, than we had already Asian continental title in MMA in Thailand (!) and few other MMA titles in Asia.

In the World Championships in Italy  fighters from WKF IRAN was so strong and successfully in ring sport division.

Mr. Mosadegh was like an ambassador for his country, and many people was surprised about this nice and friendly style.

And from 8 fighters in Low kick, one each weight category – 

WKF IRAN won seven Gold and one Silver medals !

For the World Championships in Cairo 2021 many tough Iranian Champions will come to challenge the World. 

In MMA as well as in ring sport, of course. WKF IRAN could be again one of the biggest and strongest team.

Just the weekend before is the upcoming WKF World referee seminar 2021, perfect to get or extend international Referee license as well.

WKF World Championships October 18th to 24th in Cairo.

meeting WKF IRAN board of directors

WKF AUSTRIA has new official face

WKF AUSTRIA president Mrs. Tanja HELML

WKF AUSTRIA elected a new line at the last meeting.

At the suggestion of a regional association, Ms. Tanja HELML was unanimously elected as the new president with immediate effect.

This is the first time in thirty Years of history of the Austrian Kickboxing federation that a woman has taken on this important position and head of the Austrian Association.

The new official email from WKF AUSTRIA:

A new MMA Austria national coach will be appointed shortly

Mr. Rene REINHART, WKF AUSTRIA Chief referee

The new chief referee in Austria is Mr. Rene REINHART.

Mr. Rene REINHART from Vienna was unanimously elected as the new Austrian Chief Referee.

With immediate effect he takes over the management of the Austrian referees and the seminars in East and West. E-mail

Fantastic news from Latin America / Fantásticas noticias de América Latina

WKF LAC director Sr. Carlos SUAREZ

Our director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr Carlos SUAREZ, is working very successfully.
The focus is, among other things, on the upcoming World Championships in Egypt in October, and also on the following World Championships in China 2022 and France in 2024.
From today’s perspective, eight nations from Latin America will come to Egypt.

The largest team will likely come from Argentina.

Our WKF CHILE President Alejandro CONCHA and his partner Rodrigo Miño are also doing an excellent job in Santiago and are preparing a strong team for Cairo.

Sr. Oliver Fernando GUZMAN ESPINOSA

Our new team in the WKF Latin America Continental Association is Bolivia. Sr. Oliver Fernando GUZMAN ESPINOSAis based in the city of COCHABAMBA – the fourth largest city and metropolis in Bolivia. 
Our friend now has the international WKF promoter license for Latin America and enjoys an excellent reputation.
Soon we will see the first TOP fighters from Bolivia in all rankings, women and men. The first events with local WKF title fights are also planned.

Also in Vera Cruz, Mexico, we have a new promoter with an international WKF license. His name is Sr. JOSE LUIS RAMIREZ BARCELATA

Time for Cairo may be running out for our friend in Mexico, but he will try his best.

But at the next World Championship in China in 2022, champions, many women and men and also referees from Mexico will certainly be there.

Vera Cruz will soon register his best fighters for our international WKF rankings and the next dates for events

There is also a lot of good news from Argentina!

WKF ARGENTINA has two additional new organizers.

On August, Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th, Messrs. Adrián CURRULEF and Daniel PAINELAF received their certification as National Promoter of our WKF – World Kickboxing Federation.

Covid – International 🙂

Committed to their work, beyond naming competitors for Egypt, they are already planning an international characteristics event and developing a work strategy for the next World Championships in China and France.

Sr. Tomas Alejandro MELLADO

On the same day, TEAM MELLADO’s official membership in the World Kickboxing Federation was handed over.
Sr. Tomas Alejandro MELLADO is next big team and and would like to strengthen the Argentinian team in Cairo.

Argentinian course for new WKF judges with license!

On August 24th and 25th, the level 1 judges and arbitration workshop with official WKF certification took place in a double shift under the direction of Carlos Suarez.

This new work team consists of:
Agustina Vidal, Hugo Reinoso, Yocelin Balboa, Jonatan Morales, Cecilia Morales, Yonathan Borda, Lucas Astete, Vanesa Torres, Mauricio Sosa and Romina Martinez.

The 2 days lasted almost 6 hours and despite the cold they stayed in their seats with great joy in learning. Now they will move on to drills and then event times to get their certification and referee book.

Suarez emphasized: “I would like to personally thank you for your efforts and attention during the course.”

Agustina Vidal, Hugo Reinoso, Yocelin Balboa, Jonatan Morales, Cecilia Morales, Yonathan Borda, Lucas Astete, Vanesa Torres, Mauricio Sosa und Romina Martinez