WKF CZECH REPUBLIC web site waiting for your updates

Předseda pan Raddy DIVIS

WKF CZECH REPUBLIC is ready for your updates, from all our WKF Czech Republic members, promoters and clubs. 

Help WKF to help you for your event. If you want to promote any WKF event in Czech republic, amateur tournament, or PRO-AM , PPF, SANDA or MMA title fight send just a mail to our office.

On our web site you could also change the language, just have a look on the top right hand, easy to use.

For any requests to our Czech friends send just a mail to head office.

Předseda pan Raddy DIVIS

Česká Republika úřad mail: office@wkf.cz

Hledáme nové zaměstnance pro řízení WKF v České republice !!!

Těšíme se na Vás …

Maciej Krzyżanowski – new WKF POLAND national coach

I am pleased to announce as the President of WKF Poland that Maciej Krzyżanowski, who is the coach of the Gladiator Jarosław Sports Club and a former fighter of the PZKB, WKF, PFKB and XFC federation, is returning to our Federation.

Wszystkie informacje znajdziesz TUTAJ

He was, among others, a multiple Polish medalist, European Pro-Am Champion in the Low-Kick division, and ended at the Polish Professional Championship winning this title.

Maciej Krzyżanowski has been appointed as one of the coaches of the Polish National Kickboxing Team to the WKF European Federation.

We look forward that the fighters from KS Gladiator Jarosław will take part in the World Championships in Spain November 18th to 22nd.

I think this is just the beginning of our amazing cooperation. 😊

Maciej Krzyżanowski, WKF POLAND

Z przyjemnością informuję jako Prezydent WKF Poland, że do naszej Federacji wraca Maciej Krzyżanowski, który jest trenerem Klubu Sportowego Gladiator Jarosław oraz byłym zawodnikiem PZKB, WKF,PFKB i federacji XFC.

Był między innymi wielokrotnym medalistą Polski, Mistrzem Europy Pro-Am w formule Low-kic jak i zakończył na Zawodowym Mistrzostwie Polski zdobywając ten tytuł.

Maciej Krzyżanowski został powołany jako jeden z trenerów Reprezentacji Polski Kick-Boxingu do Federacji WKF. 

Cieszymy się, że zawodnicy z KS Gladiator Jarosław wezmą udział już w listopadzie w Mistrzostwach Świata w Hiszpanii.

Myślę, że to dopiero początek naszej dobrej współpracy.

New WKF LITHUANIA team confirmed for Spain

Sveiki atvykę į didelę WKF šeimą !

Please welcome our new president in Lithuania !

WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV

We are therefore pleased to introduce our new president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV in Klaipeda, Lithuania.

All our Lithuanian athletes who would like to take part in the WKF World Championships in Spain in November, please send an email to our new WKF LITHUANIA president Mr. Eugenijus DEMIDOV.

You can find his short introduction here:

In sports world 29 years. Different conditions and disciplines for updating the current – main streams 

Full body conditioning / Kickboxing / Muay Thai /  / Psychology – Rehabilitation . Black Belt – certificate of excellence on WKN.

WACO Lithuania tournaments, members of LKF / LMMAF.

Alexandra PETRE is looking for any fight in the World!




from Octagon pro Gym in Austria was at the European Championship 2022 in Austria four-time European champion.

Four Gold medals and again best athlete on this Championships.

Her weight class is the Ladies Heavyweight + 66 Kg / + 145 lbs,  favorite discipline is K-1

Her remarkable fight record in K-1 is:

41 fights, 38 wins, including 12 KO!

Petre also won the Gold medal in the European Championships in Trieste 2023 in Italy against strong opponents.

“GODZILLA” is currently number 1 in the WKF PRO-AM world rankings and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find opponents.

Alexandra would also do classical  PRO BOXING

Too many internet champions – too few real fighters ! 😈

“You’re not a champion, not the best fighter –

unless you beat the World champion”  – says Alexandra

GODZILLA is waiting your offer …

Her management is negotiating a K-1 World title fight in Cartagena, Colombia in summer 2024.

Plus World title defense in Sydney, new date TBA.

And an World title in autumn 2024 in Vienna, plus possible title defense in …

Alexandra PETRE is WKF European and World Champion and currently one of the best fighters in the K-1 female heavyweight division in the World.




Petre is looking for a suitable opponent for any 5 X 2 minute K-1 duel. All interested girls World wide have a chance of this fight. Re-match in Europe guaranteed and part of the deal.

Petre wants to challenge the best heavyweight girl at any event in the World!

Against any suitable female heavyweight opponent + 66 Kg / + 145 lbs!

All you have to do is to send fighter profile and attach a good 2-3 jpg photo and email it.

If you were looking for an opponent for YOUR Girl  + 66 Kg

at YOUR NEXT EVENT, it would be a real great fight!

Romania Open in Rucar on Juli 20th

Master Florin MINA, President of WKF ROMANIA, and Vice president of WKF EUROPE continental federation, is hosting the super event that will take place on July 20, 2024 in the beautiful mountain region of Rucar (Arges County) and the Golden League Championship.

30th Romania International Open Kickboxing Tournament

The main supporter of the event, Mr. Cosmin Horatiu Jieanu, President of Swat Force Romania, will be there.

The official weigh-in will take place on Friday, July 19 and the event will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday.

With a view to the Super World Championships in November in Spain, we recommend that all of our members in the WKF EUROPA compete in the City Rucar with as large a team as possible and support our Romanian sports friends. The announcement in English on request by E-mail

The following have already confirmed their participation: Hungary, Germany, Poland, Moldova, Austria and others from Eastern and Western Europe.

Romania warmly welcomes everyone!

Nuevo Promotor en Nicaragua

Profesor Carlos Alberto Tiffer Peña

Desde la oficina de Latinoamérica le damos la Bienvenida al Profesor Carlos Alberto Tiffer Peña quien se desempeñara como promotor en el Nicaragua país de Centro América.

El señor Peña tiene llegada a todos los Clubes del país y asegura que pronto estarán realizando una mayor cantidad de eventos amateurs incluyendo cruces internacionales entre Nicaragua y Guatemala.
Muchos éxitos en su nuevo Rol de Promotor de la Federación Mundial de Kickboxing.

From the Latin American office we welcome Professor Carlos Alberto Tiffer Peña who will serve as a promoter in Nicaragua, a Central American country.

Mr. Peña has access to all the Clubs in the country and assures that they will soon be holding a greater number of amateur events, including international cross-country events between Nicaragua and Guatemala.

Many successes in his new role as Promoter of the World Kickboxing Federation.

WKF PRO-AM division – our elite amateur division

WKF – founded in 1964

From the beginning in WKF we split very clearly amateur and pro business, in ring sport as well as in PPF and MMA.

Mr. Daniel Z. HIRLAU

Our newest is our BOXING / BKFC division. Successfully managed by World president Mr. Daniel Z. HIRLAU from Hungary.

This is to follow many requests and wishes of our clients , managers and thousands of our fighters from all over the World. Today we are very successfully not only in pro sport but of course in amateur business too.

WKF PRO-AM World Champion belt


With great pleasure we want your poster in our gallery of WKF sanctioned tournaments, with our WKF  TM logo on the poster. We would like to help with online advertising free of charge, of course. Short reports after would be great.

We just want to remind every WKF country president World wide to send fighter profiles of your amateurs or just non-professional male/female fighters in ring sport. We have same system like in other pro sport in WKF.

We offer the chance to fight in all our sport divisions for our great demand WKF Champion belts.

Here are our 6 WKF divisions, with valid World ranking lists, rules, title fight minimum requirements and much more



From now on we can also confirm worldwide title fights for our best BOXERS and Bare Knuckle Championsmen and women – who would like to compete for a real serious title (!) in boxing or “bare knuckle fighting”!

official BOXING / BKFC national title belt

Our WKF PRO-AM titles has a great value because of our World wide network with today more than 140 member countries you have the chance to fight not only at home. And no fighter will lose his/her amateur status , he/she can fight still on any tournament, any World Championship World wide. You can be sure just to face another amateur fighter with perhaps 15 to 20 fights and not real pro with more than 100 fights.

The rules and regulations for PRO-AM are easy to understand and waiting for your download.

All you have to do is just send your fighter profile and jpg photos like always and we post your champion online in the PRO-AM World ranking.

For male and female, of course !

Because: only male/female fight in our PRO-AM World ranking are qualified to fight for our WKF titles.

For further requests or interest on any possible PRO-AM title fights do not hesitate to send a mail, please.

Welcome to Alicante

International Referee Seminar in Latinamerica

Seminario Internacional de Árbitros en Colombia el 20 de julio

Fritz EXENBERGER fue invitado a Colombia como supervisor de la WKF.

Están programadas muchas discusiones con nuestros presidentes de LAC

Los preparativos para el Mundial también están en pleno apogeo en América Latina.

International referee seminar in Colombia on July 20th

Fritz EXENBERGER was invited to Colombia as the WKF supervisor.

Many discussions are planned with our LAC presidents

Preparations for the  “Campeonato mundial”  are also in full swing in Latin America.

WKF FRANCE confirmed huge team for Spain

WKF FRANCE president, M. John LELONG

For good reason, a change in the leadership of the WKF FRANCE was also necessary in France.

E-mail contact

We are therefore pleased to introduce our new president in France.
All our French athletes who would like to take part in the WKF World Championships in the City Alicante, Spain 18th to 22nd November, please send an email to M. Lelong.

You can find his short introduction here:
from the beginning of my practice until today … 
I’ve been practicing martial arts and combat sports since I was 8 years old, I’m currently 48, so I’ve been practicing it for 40 years. 
In 1993, when I was in the army, I created a method of fighting that I called Boxe Libre. 
in 1995 I organized the first Coupe de France of boxe libre. 
the Boxe Libre is one of the first free fighting disciplines in France. 
attached is the link of the last Coupe de France of free boxing that we organized in France. 
I continued to refine this method by going to fight fighters in Divers Federation and in different disciplines. 
Time and injuries caught up with me 😀
Today I take part in workshops and I try to make as many people as possible aware of the beauty and richness of martial arts and combat sports.