New chairman of the WKF BELARUS

After months of organizational preparations, the time has come:
New official representative and official confirmed chairman of the of the WKF BELARUS is Mr. Khmialkou Siarhei
in Russian: Хмельков Сергей Витальевич
He is General Director of the Republican Olympic Center and “Stayki”.
Генеральный директор Республиканского центра олимпийский подготовки «Стайки».

This is the place where:
- you can go in for sports and rehabilitation;
- organize a banquet, buffet, wedding or corporate evening;
- reception and consultation of doctors, functional diagnostics are carried out.
It’s the only place where:
- the largest sports medicine center in the Republic of Belarus;
- 82 hectares of land surrounded by pine forests and crystal clear air.
Welcome to the WKF family
WKF BELARUS will of course be there in Chisinau, Moldova. Preparations are in full swing.
French Open in Bruay La Buissiere
Open international de France WKF du 01 au 02 mars,
Ouvert à toutes les nations et équipes, pour plus d’informations, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à : wkffrance@gmail.com
WKF French International Open from March 1st to 2nd
Open to all nations and teams. For more information please email to WKF FRANCE office

WKF ALBANIA organize Tirana Open
WKF ALBANIA president Alban ALIKAJ announce:
Albanian Kick-boxing Federation official WKF representative recognized from Ministry of Sports and Court of Tirana Municipal start on March 16th with first event Tirana Open!
For more details and request send just a mail to Mr. Alikaj.
WKF Europeanchampionships in Moldova

Dear friends
in sport,
to all respected
European WKF
Welcome to
the 2025 European Championship are first time in WKF history in Chisinau
Full information already on our official website

It’s a great pleasure and honor for me as officially nominated WKF Supervisor for the European Championships to welcome all of our members, male and female fighters, officials, VIP country presidents and supporters to our next European Championships in Chisinau.
It is interesting to see after the amazing World Championships in Spain 2024 how the World is getting even more closer and therefore, it is pleasing to see the European Championships in the wonderful and charming country Moldova.
The next World Championships 2026 will be in autumn in Cartagena, Colombia!

WKF head office expect again more than 30 countries from all over Europe in north and South, east and west!
WKF MOLDOVA President Rustam ALIMOV has already confirmed that the next European Championships in 2025 will take place in the historic city of Chisinau.

The first meetings with the mayor and local partners and sponsors have already taken place.
As always, the official list of the various hotels in all price ranges is here online and will be sent to all our WKF EUROPE presidents by email.
As always, the World Referee Seminar will be held in the main hotel on Saturday and Sunday 21/22 June.
Welcome to Chisinau
World federation presents the champions belt for BOXING / BKFC
At the last World Championship in November 2024 in Spain, the new BOXING championship belts were presented by the World Boxing President Mr. Daniel HIRLAU. He is also nominated Chief Referee by the upcoming European Championships in Moldova, June 22nd to 29th.
Presidents and managers from over 50 nations from six continents were very interested and delighted.
Pierre HERRERA from Chile is the first official world champion in boxing, sanctioned by the WKF, since November 22, 2024

Five current champion belts were presented for viewing by the main office of our World Boxing Federation / BKFC.
From now on we can also confirm worldwide title fights for our best BOXERS and Bare Knuckle Champions – men and women – who would like to compete for a real serious title fights in
BOXING / bare knuckle
Blow by blow
and step by step
Next sanctioned title fight in BOXING is also being discussed for 2025!
Things continue with two planned events in Poland and Austria and for the first time with a new WKF ALBANIA team, probably in Tirana, as well as a planned event in Bulgaria and perhaps in Belgium.
Anyone interested in serious boxing and bare-knuckle fighting with our real world federation should contact Daniel Z. HIRLAU by email
How do you get into the world ranking?
Simply fill out fighter profiles, add a photo and send!

European Championships 2025 in Moldova
Dear friends in sport,
to all respected European WKF presidents,
Welcome to Moldova!
the 2025 European Championship are in Chisinau
full information on our official website

it’s a great pleasure and honor for me as WKF MOLDOVA president to welcome all of our members, fighters, officials, country presidents and supporters to our next European Championships in Chisinau, Moldova.

It is interesting to see after the amazing World Championships in Spain 2024 how the World is getting even more closer and therefore, it is pleasing to see the European Championships in our wonderful and charming country.
WKF ALBANIA confirm for Moldova in June

Albanian Kick-boxing Federation official WKF representative recognized from Ministry of Sports and Court of Tirana Municipal
More details comming soon …
i Federatës Shqiptare të Kikboksit është tashmë përfaqësuesi zyrtar i WKF, i regjistruar në Ministrinë Shqiptare të Sportit dhe Gjykatën e Qytetit të Tiranës.
Federata Shqiptare e Kickboxing eshte nje organizate jo fitim prurese e krijuar per te organizuar evente dhe promovimin e sportit te kickboxit ne Shqiperi
Detaje të tjera do të vijojnë së shpejti…