
There are 7 files, weighing 2.6 MiB with 73,400 hits in General.

Displaying 1 to 7 of 7 files.


  2024.04.08 WKF World referees
» 295.6 KiB - 27,383 hits - 4. November 2023
all licensed WKF referees and Supervisors

  Why sanction with WKF ?
» 487.8 KiB - 1,325 hits - 16. August 2020
WKF sanctions world leading events with international partners in martial arts. More than 1.000 (!) promotions in last 30 Years should convince you too

  WKF fighting time and rounds
» 48.9 KiB - 4,697 hits - 26. August 2013
For all WKF ring sport title fights

  WKF Information.pdf
» 384.1 KiB - 4,361 hits - 1. July 2020
Here is the WKF, how it goes ...

  WKF referee license
» 50.4 KiB - 19,977 hits - 29. July 2012

  WKF title fight aplication form
» 208.7 KiB - 8,635 hits - 13. January 2019

  WKF title fight minimum requirements
» 1.1 MiB - 7,022 hits - 13. January 2019
edition October 2018