Words from the WKF President …

WKF 2024 – big Chance for new partners


Fritz EXENBERGER – WKF World president / CEO

Dear WKF family,

we hope you, your family and friends are doing well.

WKF start in the background Worldwide to schedule great events in 2024.

More than 140 member countries on 6 continents are busy for the next season.

Spain is our next host for the upcoming WKF World Championships 2024 in all disciplines.

Mr. Juan PINILLA is the head of the organizing team in November 18th to 22nd, 2024.


Invitación e información completa en español

Вся информация на русском языке

to download in PDF

Our World congress with new elections takes place on Monday, November 18th , start 7pm! 

 open until NOVEMBER 1st

After our last World Championships in Cairo 2021 the whole world will meet again in Spain and many strong teams from:

EuropeLatin America, North America, Australia, Asia and Africa will challenge our best Champions.

with Amateur Boxing as well

All our Worldwide WKF MEMBER countries are most welcome.

More than 1.800 (!) posters of WKF events since 1965 are in our gallery.

AND:  WKFWorld Kickboxing Federation as first real Global player and sanctioning body has organized first time ever real full amateur  World Championships on the African continent October 18th to 24th, 2021

Austrian TOP Referee Ms. Alexandra KAPPEL and Sr. Juan PINILLA, España

Our next World Championships 2024 are confirmed in Alicante, Spain!

There we celebrate an anniversary 

1964 to 2024

60 years of WKF

Cartagena in Colombia  or  Chengdu in China  or Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea, all have applied for the World Championships 2026 after next!

The final decision on where, who and when will be made at the WKF World Congress in Spain, November 18th !

Here’s to another globally successful 2024/25 season!


WKF World president / CEO

WKF family in last European Championships 2023 in Trieste, Italy

World federation presents the champions belt for BOXING / BKFC

World / Intercontinental / International / National

Five current champion belts were presented for viewing by the main office of our World Boxing Federation / BKFC.

From now on we can also confirm worldwide title fights for our best BOXERS and Bare Knuckle Champions – men and women – who would like to compete for a real serious title fights in BOXING or “bare knuckle fighting”

Blow by blow

and step by step

A sanctioned title fight in BOXING is also being discussed, more on that later!

all information HERE
Daniel Z. HIRLAU

Things continue with two planned events in Italy and for the first time with a new WKF ALBANIA team, probably in Tirana, as well as a planned event in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Anyone who is interested in serious Boxing and bare knuckle fights with a real world federation can contact Daniel Z. HIRLAU by email

How do you get into the world ranking?

Simply fill out fighter profiles, add a photo and send!

BOXING continental title belt

Election of the board of the WKF WORLD FEDERATION

WKF 1964 – 2024

At the upcoming World Championships in Alicante, Spain, the WKF World Congress will take place again on November 18th. Agenda on request !

In accordance with the statutes and rules of procedure of WKF WORLD FEDERATION, the board of the “WKF Amateur division” is re-elected every 4 years.


The Argentinian Carlos SUAREZ has been proposed as the new president and the Russian Mikael GERASIMOV as vice president.

The 6 continental directors will also be new elected, and the first proposals have arrived at the World federation head office in Vienna.

full invitation is HERE

Upon request (!) we will gladly send a PDF by email to all WKF Presidents who would like a copy of the Articles and Statutes of our WKF World Federation.

The new board will then be valid until the 2028 World Championship. Maybe in Germany, Greece, Slovakia, UK ?

First photos of Alicante !

WKF is hosting the World congress on Monday, November 18th at 7pm and take place in our main Hotel

Please come all proper dressed in dark Blazer and tie, per country just two people only.
a total of 76 nations worldwide participated – click here

Since January 1st, 2023, the WKF has dismissed – or replaced – more than 40 country presidents worldwide.

Including two division world presidents! Have a look HERE !

Because of inactivity, disloyalty or, unfortunately, inability.


Only full member countries have the right to vote and to be elected. A chance to become new WKF country president in WKF WORLD FEDERATION Next election 2028 !

The new board of the WKF AFRICA continental federation will also be elected there, valid until 2028. All 32 African presidents present who are full members have the right to vote!

All our WKF country presidents are expected to the congress and invited afterwards for dinner.

We look forward to working with new experts who would like to represent their country as the new WKF  President.

Come to Alicante in Spain for the World Congress!


African ranking, following the last five WKF World Championships:

The next board election of the African WKF continental federation will take place in November 2024 in the Spanish city of Alicante at the World Congress of the World Championship. All African nations present in Spain are invited.

best African fighters – male and female – are in Spain

African ranking, following the last five World Kickboxing Federation World Championships:

– 2012 (Varazdin Croatia)
– 2014 (Prague Czechia)
– 2016 (Andria Italy)
– 2018 (Buenos Aires Argentina)
– 2021 (Cairo Egypt)


Best African countries:

76 nations au total / a total of 76 nations have participatedclick HERE
01- South Africa
02- Uganda

05- Algeria
06- Cameroon
07- Ghana
08- Kenya
09- Morocco
10- Nigeria
11- Tanzania

WKF AFRICA needs the support of all African countries to recover and assert itself in the World Kickboxing Federation, not only at the amateur level, but also at the professional level, relying on great victories like that of Cameroonian Jean Michel MBOCK against the very talented Igor Pesterev, June 16, 2016 in Russia Tyumen, West Sibiria. World title in K-1 in super middle weight – 78 Kg.

Invitation and all information can be found online / L’invitation et toutes les informations sont disponibles en ligne

All of Africa is being challenged by the next World Championships in Alicante, Spain, November 18 to 22, 2024.

Classement africain, à l’issu des cinq derniers championnats du Monde de la World Kickboxing Federation :
– 2012 (Varazdin Croatia)
– 2014 (Prague Czech Republic)
– 2016 (Andria Italy)
– 2018 (Buenos Aires Argentina)
– 2021 (Cairo Egypt).

Meilleurs pays africains :

WKF AFRICA continental federation

01- South Africa
02- Uganda
03- Tunisia
04- Egypt
05- Algeria
06- Cameroon
07- Ghana
08- Kenya
09- Maroc
10- Nigeria
11- Tanzania

La WKF AFRICA a besoin du concours de tous les pays d’Afrique pour se relever et s’affirmer dans la World Kickboxing Federation, pas seulement au niveau amateur, mais aussi au niveau professionnel, en s’appuyant sur des grandes victoires comme celle du Camerounais Jean Michel MBOCK face au très talentueux Igor Pesterev, le 16 juin 2016 à Tyumen, West Sibiria en Russie. Titre du monde en K-1 dans les super middle weight – 78 Kg.
C’est toute l’Afrique qui est interpellé par les prochains Championnats du Monde à Alicante, en Espagne, 18 au 22 novembre 2024.

Open European Cup in Moldova in October


Date October, 16th to 20th

International WKF tournament and PRO title fights of the highest class.

Perfect opportunity for the last test and preparation for all Europeans before the upcoming Super World Championship in Alicante, Spain.

The promoter Mr. Rustam ALIMOV is known in the scene as a TOP organizer. Very good organization, many nations from East and West, great hospitality in the capital Chisinau and strong fighters from Eastern Europe, men and women!

Many national teams as well as WKF AUSTRIA would like to use this tournament to test their teams – male and females in time for the World Championship in Spain.

WKF AUSTRIA national team has already been called up for Moldova!

WKF Latin America director is Mr. Carlos SUAREZ from Buenos Aires

WKF continental director Mr. Carlos SUAREZ

Our WKF Latin America continental director is Mr. Carlos SUAREZ from Buenos Aires …

… is high respected and busy WKF Vice-president, one of 6 in WKF World federation and was nominated supervisor and very special guest by the WKF European Championships 2022 in Austria.

Mr. Suarez has an important vote and voice, to represent all LAC – Latin America and Caribbean – matters.

Very soon he will bring again strong Latin American Champions on many WKF events World wide. Mr. Suarez is long time in our business, well know as serious promoter in Latin America.

Toda la información en español AQUÍ

As is well known, new elections for the board of the World Amateur Federation WKF are taking place in Alicante.

Mr. Carlos SUAREZ is the first candidate and favorite for the position of “WKF World President” for the amateur class.


The very well-known manager and promoter Mr. Michael GERASIMOV from WKF RUSSIA in Moscow has been nominated for the position of World Vice President! MAIL

На должность Мирового Вице-Президента номинирован очень известный менеджер и промоутер Михаил ГЕРАСИМОВ из Москвы!

All promoters, fighters, managers are invited to contact Mr. Suarez in Buenos Aires by mail, for further cooperation in WKF World wide.


„Nadie es más fuerte que todos nosotros juntos.“

Como es bien sabido, en Alicante tendrán lugar nuevas elecciones para la junta directiva de la asociación mundial amateur WKF.

Señor Carlos SUAREZ es el primer candidato y favorito para el puesto de “Presidente Mundial de la WKF” para la división amateur.

¡El muy conocido manager y promotor Michael GERASIMOV de la WKF RUSSIA en Moscú ha sido nominado para el puesto de Vicepresidente Mundial!

Desde hoy comenzamos un nuevo camino innovaremos para hacer crecer WKF en América Latina y les propongo que trabajemos en Equipo. Pero trabajar implica compromiso, implica que podamos contar unos con otros, implica el poder superar diferencias y tirar todos hacia un mismo lado. 

Aquí no hay nada mágico, nada va a caer del cielo, ni saldrán conejos de la galera, tenemos que lograrlo con esfuerzo y trabajo, unidos por un fin y con un objetivo.

Les propongo una América latina Unida, les propongo innovar con nuevos conceptos, abrir la mente y crear „EN EQUIPO“ lo impensado. Les pido que se sumen, que apoyen, se que podemos hacerlo, se que vamos a trabajar en equipo para que así sea.

Algunos ya lo sabían, otros tal vez lo escucharon, les quiero contar que me enorgullece formar parte del Directorio de WKF ya que fui nombrado en la ultimo reunión de presidentes en Buenos Aires Director para Latinoamerica. Desde el 1ro de diciembre comenzare en el cargo con una propuesta innovadora para la Región. Gracias por la confianza a todos los Directores continentales (Europa, Asia, África, Medio Oriente, Australia y Norte América) y todos los que apoyan desde Sudamérica por su voto que me permite ocupar el cargo.Vamos a revolucionar el deporte, con trabajo, nivelando para arriba, América unida bajo la bandera del deporte de contacto!!

WKF, we are the real global player!!

„Nadie es más fuerte que todos nosotros juntos.“


Director WKF

América latina & Caribe

WKF Iraq Pro Kickboxing Committee report

Majeed HUSAM, WKF middle east supervisor

One of our most loyal and active friends in the Middle East is Majeed HUSAM.

As WKF supervisor, he is the highest ranking official of the WKF in this region.

Against all odds, he is successfully trying to move our sport forward and is now reporting on his latest event.

Mr. Husam is also being considered as a possible candidate to become a member of the World Federation Board. As is well known, new elections for the WKF World Federation Board will take place at the World Congress in November in Spain.

WKF IRAQ has already confirmed its participation in the World Championship in Alicante from November 18th to 22nd. The necessary entry visas for Spain will ultimately decide this.

Sponsored by the Iraqi Kickboxing and Martial Arts Foundation, in cooperation with the Al-Kazemi Humanitarian Foundation and the Holy Karbala Youth and Sports Directorate.

WKF ASIA continental federation

The Iraq Pro Kickboxing Committee holds a basic training course and a developmental judging course in the Olympic Hall in the Holy Government of Karbala for two days, Thursday and Friday, 4-5/7/2024.

The world awaits the best girls and boys from iraq and middle east at the World Championships in Alicante, Spain

الشباب سعداء ويستعدون لكأس العالم في إسبانيا


WKF supervisor for CIS and Baltic States – Супервизор ВКФ

Роман Логиш / Roman LOGISCH

WKF head office has appointed Mr. Roman LOGISCH as Supervisor for CIS and Baltic States.

Mr. Logisch is since long time member and WKF GERMANY president. He speaks perfect German and is native Russian speaker as well.

For any further requests in East Europe please contact him by mail.


Роман Логиш

ВКФ Россия

Президент Федерации ВКФ в Германии.

Супервизор ВКФ в СНГ и Прибалтике

Роман родился в Казахской ССР. В 7 лет переехал с семьей в Белоруссию. Закончил БГУФК, учился на кафедре спортивно-боевых единоборств и спецподготовки.

Неоднократный победитель и призер международных турниров по рукопашному бою, тайландскому боксу и кикбоксингу. Чемпион Евразии по муай-тай, чемпион Европы среди профессионалов по кикбоксингу, боец “Суперлиги”.

вся информация на русском языке

Все страны теперь могут запросить доступ к регистрации по электронной почте

Регистрация уже открыта

С 2001г. проживает в Германии. Активно занимается тренерской и промоутерской деятельностью. Подготовил многократных чемпионов Германии и Европы по кикбоксингу.

Успешно развивает Федерацию ВКФ на территории Германии, является совладельцем спортивного профессионального клуба. По вопросам организации совместной работы обращайтесь на адрес электронной почты: wkfgermany@web.de

WKF China K-12 Education, Chengdu

Youth Training Center “Chengdu MY Sports Hall” was officially licensed and put into operation

On June 17, 2024, the “WKF World Kickboxing Federation China” K-12 Education (Chengdu) Youth Training Center License Awarding Ceremony” was held at Chengdu MY Sports Hall. Under the witness of Mr. Fan Huakun, Executive Vice President of the Education and Science Committee of the Sichuan Western Returned Scholars Association, and Mr. Geng Zhipeng, Secretary-General of Chengdu Zhitong Wushu Research Institute, and other leaders and guests, Dr. Yan Di’nan, Chairman of the WKF World Kickboxing Federation China, issued an authorization certificate to Mr. Jing Dong, Director of Chengdu MY Sports Hall, and the “WKF-K12 (Chengdu) Youth Training Center” was officially licensed and put into operation.

WKF CHINA international

The “WKF-K12 Youth Physical Fitness Wushu Fighting Education Program” developed by the WKF World Kickboxing Federation (Chinese) Textbook Editorial Committee strictly follows the “Guidelines for Learning and Development of Children Aged 3-6”, “Compulsory Education Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standards”, and “General High School Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standards” issued by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (2022 Edition). Combined with the WKF World Kickboxing Federation’s international rank assessment system, according to the growth and development of adolescents in special periods, a youth physical fitness training program featuring martial arts fighting education is developed that combines safety and applicability.



