WKF fighters license for all WKF Championships

To be entered into the various worldwide WKF rankings: fill in the FIGHTER PROFILE , add a jpg Photo at and show your fighter license by registration in the venue.

WKF fighters license for all WKF Championships and events


For new sports passes or current annual stamps, please fill in the FIGHTER PROFILE , add a jpg Photo at and show your fighter license by registration in the venue.

WKF 6 continent Banner_web


Next WKF World referee seminar in Slovenia, October 26th

last World referee Seminar 2022
Our European Championships are in Trieste, Italy, October 26th to 29th.
Istvan ROZMAN, WKF Chief referee in Trieste

Our next WKF World referee seminar is first time in history in Slovenija on Thursday, October 26th in Škofije, just 15Km from Trieste.
Referees can not be in duty by us without an official WKF license.
And without WKF fighter license is no fight.
WKF EUROPE continental federation expect now after Covid again more than 25 countries from all over Europe, in October 26th to 29th 2023
Many competitors in all WKF disciplines,  6 Forms divisions and Semi contact , Light contact and kick-light on Tatami, ring sport in 4 disciplines and MMA. 
Just Thursday before is the upcoming annual
WKF World referee seminar
Best chance to get or extend international Referee license as well.
Each country must bring to continental an World championships at least one WKF licensed referee or pay cash 300 .- Euro/USD deposit!
full invitation HERE

Novedades de Latinoamérica / News from America Latina

Nuevos Danes WKF en Argentina

El pasado 20 de Abril se tomaron exámenes avalados por WKF a tres nuevos cinturones Negros. El Examen estuvo a cargo del asesor técnico Cristian Bosch junto a Florencia Greco quien se sumo a la mesa Examinadora.

Luego de un exigente examen de casi 3 horas se graduaron Lorenzo Toledo Cinturón Negro 1er Dan de WKF en Argentina y de San Rafael Mendoza se graduaron Mauricio Campos Cinturón Negro 1er Dan de WKF y Brian Palacios Cinturón Negro 1er Dan de Wkf.

Nuestras felicitaciones a todos Ellos.


¡¡Copa Argentina un éxito TOTAL!!

Desde el Angulo que lo miren la COPA ARGENTINA del 21 de abril de 2024 fue un EXITO TOTAL 540 competidores en diferentes modalidades de 65 escuelas dieron todo para llevar a ser campeones de las categorías, algunas muy exigentes ya que había llaves de 12 y 14 competidores.

El Estadio se colmó desde el comienzo donde las contiendas iniciaron desde las 14:00hs culminando entre las 23:00 y la 0:00 fueron 10 horas de eventos trabajando en simultaneo 1 Tatami y 3 rings para realizar 360 peleas, un nuevo record para Argentina ya que teníamos la marca de 310 peleas (en 3 rings) en el año 2010.

El nivel que se vio fue muy alto, no se sabía quién podía ganar las llaves eran muy ajustadas, en especial las de LOW en 60, 63.500, 67 y 71 fueron llaves de 5/ 6 peleas para llegar a la final.

Llegaron competidores de Corrientes, Córdoba, San Luis, Mendoza, San Juan, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Buenos Aires, Chubut, Santa Cruz y desde Ushuaia e invitamos al equipo de WKF Uruguay.

¡¡Los mejores llegaron a las finales y esos son verdaderos peleadores del Infierno!!


Chile Título Continental PROAM en los 81,000 Kgs.

El 4 de mayo se realizó en Santiago de Chile el evento FIGHT FOR HONOR de la liga nacional de kickboxing, en esta oportunidad los asistentes pudieron disfrutar de más de 50 combates en distintas modalidades (kick light, low kick, K1 y Muay Thai).

Entre los combates más destacados encontramos un super 4 pro am de Muay Thai en dónde Diego Díaz se corono como campeón chileno de la modalidad en los 63.5 kilos,

Un triangular por el título continental pro am de K1 WKF en los 81 kilos entre los representantes de Bolivia Jorge Véliz, Colombia Nicolás Norato y Chile Bernardo Arriagada quien se queda con el título luego de  ganar dos combates muy duros en el primero logra vencer al representante de Bolivia y en la final vence por TKO al representante de Colombia.



La jornada se cerró con un combate profesional de Muay Thai entre Josefa Tellez y Anais Mosqueira en dónde Josefa se impone por TKO en el primer round sumando puntos al ranking profesional.







Copa Mercosur en Chaco, ARGENTINA vs PARAGUAY

El sábado 11 de mayo en un marco imponente se vivió la primera edición de la COPA MERCOSUR donde se enfrentaron Competidores de Argentina y Paraguay el desafío 5×5 que le da la oportunidad a competidores del interior del pais a sumar experiencia en competencias internacionales.

El resultado fue 3.5 a 1.5 a favor de Argentina quedando la copa en nuestro país, y dando lugar a la vuelta que se realizara el 10 de Agosto en Asunción del Paraguay.


Felicitar a cada integrante del equipo argentino, Rocio Sandoval, Martin Coceres, Eliezer Pavon, Luis Alvarez y Matias Pedrozo por sus logros, más allá de los resultados lo positivo es defender los colores en la competencia Internacional y agradecer la gestión de Francisco Lefevbre y a cada entrenador de seleccionado Paraguayo por su participación.

Destacar las peleas profesionales con exponentes de Salta, Santiago del Estero, Paraguay y Chaco que fueron grandes combates.



Por primera vez en el CARIBE el próximo 20 de Julio tendremos la visita del presidente Mundial de La Federación Mundial de Kickboxing quien estará brindando 2 capacitaciones Internacionales, una dirigida a las modalidades de TATAMI únicamente y la Capacitación Internacional de Referees con Licencia Internacional valida por 3 años.

La visita culminara con el campeonato continental que se realizara en Bucaramanga donde se disputaran fajas nacionales e internacionales.

Todas las actividades estarán coordinadas por el Promotor para Colombia el Señor Luis Mediomundo.

dos expertos internacionales y amigos de diferentes continentes / two international experts and friends from different continents


BRASIL URUGUAY y BOLIVIA con campeonatos Clasificatorios al Mundial de España

El continente americano viene pisando fuerte preparando los competidores para el próximo mundial de Alicante y para ello se presentan 3 eventos

COPA BOLIVIA 8 de junio en Cochabamba.

NOCHE DE GLORIA, 18 de mayo Montevideo.

CAMPEONATO BRASILERO de Kickboxing, 10 y 11 de Agosto Catalão Goiás


News from WKF in Argentina

On April 20th, the exams recommended by the WKF were taken for three new black belts. The exam was led by technical advisor Cristian Bosch together with Florencia Greco, who joined the examiner’s table.

After a demanding test lasting almost three hours, Lorenzo Toledo completed the 1st Dan Black Belt of the WKF in Argentina, Mauricio Campos completed San Rafael Mendoza with the 1st Dan Black Belt of the WKF and Brian Palacios completed the 1st Dan Black Belt of the WKF .

Our congratulations to everyone.

Argentine Cup a complete success!!
Seen in this way, the ARGENTINA CUP on April 21, 2024 was a COMPLETE SUCCESS. 540 participants in different modalities from 65 schools gave everything to become champions of the categories, some of which were very demanding since there were key 12 and 14 competitors.

The stadium was packed from the start as the fights started at 2pm and peaked between 11pm and 12am. 10 hours were held simultaneously on 1 tatami and 3 rings, which was a new record in Argentina since we had the mark of 310 fights (in 3 rings) in 2010.
The level that was seen was very high, it was not known who could win. The keys were very close, especially LOW’s 60, 63,500, 67 and 71 were keys for 5/6 battles to reach the final.

Participants came from Corrientes, Córdoba, San Luis, Mendoza, San Juan, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Buenos Aires, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Ushuaia and we invited the WKF Uruguay team.

The best made it to the final and they are real fighters from hell!!

Chile PROAM Continental title in the 81,000 kg race.
On May 4th, the National Kickboxing League’s FIGHT FOR HONOR event took place in Santiago, Chile. On this occasion, participants were able to enjoy more than 50 fights in different modalities (light kick, low kick, K1 and Muay Thai).
Among the most notable bouts are a Muay Thai Super 4 Pro-Am bout in which Diego Díaz was crowned Chilean champion of the modality over 63.5 kilos, a triangular bout for the continental K1-WKF Pro-Am Title over 81 kilos between the Bolivian representative Jorge Véliz , Colombia’s Nicolás Norato and Chile’s Bernardo Arriagada, who retains the title after winning two very tough fights. In the first he manages to defeat the representative of Bolivia, and in the final he defeats the representative of Colombia by TKO.
The day ended with a professional Muay Thai fight between Josefa Tellez and Anais Mosqueira, where Josefa won by TKO in the first round and added points to the professional rankings.

Mercosur Cup in Chaco, ARGENTINA vs PARAGUAY
On Saturday May 11, in an imposing setting, the first edition of the MERCOSUR CUP took place, where participants from Argentina and Paraguay competed in the 5×5 challenge, which offers participants from the interior of the country the opportunity to gain experience in international competitions collect .

The result was 3.5 to 1.5 in favor of Argentina, so the cup remained in our country and the second leg took place on August 10 in Asunción, Paraguay.

Congratulate each member of the Argentina team, Rocio Sandoval, Martin Coceres, Eliezer Pavon, Luis Alvarez and Matias Pedrozo, on their achievements. Beyond the results, the positive is to defend the colors in international competition and thank the management of Francisco Lefevbre and each coach of the Paraguay national team for his participation.

Highlight the professional fights with representatives from Salta, Santiago del Estero, Paraguay and Chaco, which were great fights.

For the first time in the CARIBBEAN we will have on July 20th the visit of the World President of the World Kickboxing Federation, who will conduct two international training courses, one focused exclusively on TATAMI modalities and the international training of referees with an international license that is valid is 3 years.

The visit will culminate with the continental championship in Bucaramanga, where national and international belts will be contested.
All activities are coordinated by the promoter for Colombia, Mr. Luis Mediomundo.

BRAZIL URUGUAY and BOLIVIA with qualifying championships for the World Cup in Spain
The American continent is intensively preparing the participants for the next World Championships in Alicante and is presenting three events for this purpose

BOLIVIA CUP June 8th in Cochabamba.
NIGHT OF GLORY, May 18 Montevideo.
BRAZILIAN KICKBOXING CHAMPIONSHIP, August 10th and 11th Catalão Goiás

WKF BOXING / BKFC – new World division

TOP NEWS: Amateur Boxing is also in Alicante for the World Championships in November

Daniel Z. HIRLAU

Dear sports friends,

On March 1st, 2024, a new WKF Division Worldwide began work.

By athletes – for athletes!


The aim is not to compete with existing associations, but rather to complement them with significantly less bureaucracy and fewer annoying, outdated regulations.

In collaboration with all of our 140+ WKF country presidents with the new WKF department “BOXING/BKFC”, we are also internationally networked on 6 continents in over 140 countries.


The Hungarian expert Daniel Z. HIRLAU became world president of the new department since March 1st, 2024.

From now on, ALL BOXERS and BARE KNUCKLE FIGHTERS – women and men – can use our free offer and apply for inclusion in the BOXING World rankings via the FIGHTER PROFILE. Free and non-bureaucratic!

The international WKF license applies to all boxers!

For PROFI boxers, a corresponding license and registration in BOXREC is mandatory! We would be happy to help you with this too.

WKF AUSTRIA has already started nominating a national team for amateur boxing in Spain in November. With the official partner, serious sanctioned by “Austria Boxing Union” !

All registrations should be sent directly to the BOXING head office, Mr. Hirlau,

by email: wkf-boxing@gmx.at

Anyone with a WKF license and a valid medical certificate is eligible to participate.

If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help you at any time.

contact mail:  Ő beszél magyarul / limba romana / English oder Deutsch

respectfully greetings

Daniel Z. HIRLAU



Many new updates in our WKF World rankings

Cristina KAGUEYAMA, Goiania, Brazil






Alexandra PETRE, Vienna, Austria

So many new male and female fighters in our WKF PRO-AM World ranking as well as in our PPF – Pro Point Fighting World rankings.

Based on the results of the last World Championships 2021 in Cairo and European Championships 2022 in Triest, Italy all updates and reports of our World wide members. Our partners, licensed promoters and global WKF officials determine our world rankings.

Just in the last two weeks more than 50 new fighters are listed in the WKF World rankings.

Many photos of our Champions in the ranking are still missed, please check all rankings and send your photo by mail ASAP.

Everybody likes the idea to give the best amateur fighters a chance to fight for a real valuable title, and still to be amateur. This is to avoid any miss match, just to have an opponent in same amateur level.

How to get listed ?

Very simple and free of charge! Just fill in the online fighter profile on top left, add a jpg of your male / female fighter and send to our head office. Can´t be much easier !!!

If you want to book any PRO-AM title and / or PPF TITLE  for your next male/Female title fight just contact our head office by mail.

WKF World Championships 2018 in Buenos Aires


Dear sports friends, On March 1, 2024, a new WKF Division Worldwide began work. By athletes – for athletes!   wkf-kickboxing.com         The aim is not to compete with existing associations, but rather to complement them with significantly less bureaucracy and fewer annoying, outdated regulations.   In collaboration with all of our 140+ WKF country presidents with the new WKF department “BOXING / BKFC”, we are also internationally networked on 6 continents in over 140 nations. The Hungarian expert Daniel Z. HIRLAU became world president of the new division since March 1st, 2024. From now on, ALL BOXERS – women and men – can use our free offer and apply for inclusion in the BOXING World rankings via the FIGHTER PROFILE. Free and non-bureaucratic! The

Austrian Newcomer Championships 2022


In 2023, WKF AUSTRIA will again work in cooperation with the partner associations in the interests of sport.

The date has now been set and the “Newcomer Championships 2022” will take place on December 10th in Eichgraben near Vienna

The 4 ring sports are held: full contact, low kick, K-1 and Thai boxing.

For all men and women aged 16 and over. A novice is considered to have 0 to 5 fights in the ring sport! Our licensed referees are assigned by WKF AUSTRIA.

Fighters who are not yet WKF AUSTRIA members can participate without prejudice with a valid day license for 25 € and a medical certificate.

The “Newcomer Championships 2023” is planned for spring. Send your non-binding inquiry BY MAIL to the President of WKF AUSTRIA Ms. Tanja HELML

VIP event Night of the knights – part 2

Night of the knights – inside this 900 Years old castle in Austria

WKF EUROPE confirm the next WGP – World Grand Prix inside this 900 (!) Years old castle.

The WGP is scheduled for June 25th ,2022 and the finale date is now confirmed.

For this event the next international elite WKF Champions, male or female are already in negotiation, soon we know more about

knights in action

This is just for our AAA WKF promoters only.

What are the conditions for a WGP ?

International Champions from at least 3 continents!

Two air tickets for fighter and coach abroad, food and good Hotel budget from the organizing team, good hospitality.

International WKF licensed referees and neutral supervisor, appointed by our head office. TV contract for the event. At least one professional male or female World title !

WKF sanction fee for any World Grand Prix is part of negotiation.

VIP event for 1000 people – inside a 900 Years old castle! Who wants to fight here?

Fantastic news from Latin America / Fantásticas noticias de América Latina

WKF LAC director Sr. Carlos SUAREZ

Our director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr Carlos SUAREZ, is working very successfully.
The focus is, among other things, on the upcoming World Championships in Egypt in October, and also on the following World Championships in China 2022 and France in 2024.
From today’s perspective, eight nations from Latin America will come to Egypt.

The largest team will likely come from Argentina.

Our WKF CHILE President Alejandro CONCHA and his partner Rodrigo Miño are also doing an excellent job in Santiago and are preparing a strong team for Cairo.

Sr. Oliver Fernando GUZMAN ESPINOSA

Our new team in the WKF Latin America Continental Association is Bolivia. Sr. Oliver Fernando GUZMAN ESPINOSAis based in the city of COCHABAMBA – the fourth largest city and metropolis in Bolivia. 
Our friend now has the international WKF promoter license for Latin America and enjoys an excellent reputation.
Soon we will see the first TOP fighters from Bolivia in all rankings, women and men. The first events with local WKF title fights are also planned.

Also in Vera Cruz, Mexico, we have a new promoter with an international WKF license. His name is Sr. JOSE LUIS RAMIREZ BARCELATA

Time for Cairo may be running out for our friend in Mexico, but he will try his best.

But at the next World Championship in China in 2022, champions, many women and men and also referees from Mexico will certainly be there.

Vera Cruz will soon register his best fighters for our international WKF rankings and the next dates for events

There is also a lot of good news from Argentina!

WKF ARGENTINA has two additional new organizers.

On August, Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th, Messrs. Adrián CURRULEF and Daniel PAINELAF received their certification as National Promoter of our WKF – World Kickboxing Federation.

Covid – International 🙂

Committed to their work, beyond naming competitors for Egypt, they are already planning an international characteristics event and developing a work strategy for the next World Championships in China and France.

Sr. Tomas Alejandro MELLADO

On the same day, TEAM MELLADO’s official membership in the World Kickboxing Federation was handed over.
Sr. Tomas Alejandro MELLADO is next big team and and would like to strengthen the Argentinian team in Cairo.

Argentinian course for new WKF judges with license!

On August 24th and 25th, the level 1 judges and arbitration workshop with official WKF certification took place in a double shift under the direction of Carlos Suarez.

This new work team consists of:
Agustina Vidal, Hugo Reinoso, Yocelin Balboa, Jonatan Morales, Cecilia Morales, Yonathan Borda, Lucas Astete, Vanesa Torres, Mauricio Sosa and Romina Martinez.

The 2 days lasted almost 6 hours and despite the cold they stayed in their seats with great joy in learning. Now they will move on to drills and then event times to get their certification and referee book.

Suarez emphasized: “I would like to personally thank you for your efforts and attention during the course.”

Agustina Vidal, Hugo Reinoso, Yocelin Balboa, Jonatan Morales, Cecilia Morales, Yonathan Borda, Lucas Astete, Vanesa Torres, Mauricio Sosa und Romina Martinez