Fantastic news from Latin America / Fantásticas noticias de América Latina

WKF LAC director Sr. Carlos SUAREZ

Our director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr Carlos SUAREZ, is working very successfully.
The focus is, among other things, on the upcoming World Championships in Egypt in October, and also on the following World Championships in China 2022 and France in 2024.
From today’s perspective, eight nations from Latin America will come to Egypt.

The largest team will likely come from Argentina.

Our WKF CHILE President Alejandro CONCHA and his partner Rodrigo Miño are also doing an excellent job in Santiago and are preparing a strong team for Cairo.

Sr. Oliver Fernando GUZMAN ESPINOSA

Our new team in the WKF Latin America Continental Association is Bolivia. Sr. Oliver Fernando GUZMAN ESPINOSAis based in the city of COCHABAMBA – the fourth largest city and metropolis in Bolivia. 
Our friend now has the international WKF promoter license for Latin America and enjoys an excellent reputation.
Soon we will see the first TOP fighters from Bolivia in all rankings, women and men. The first events with local WKF title fights are also planned.

Also in Vera Cruz, Mexico, we have a new promoter with an international WKF license. His name is Sr. JOSE LUIS RAMIREZ BARCELATA

Time for Cairo may be running out for our friend in Mexico, but he will try his best.

But at the next World Championship in China in 2022, champions, many women and men and also referees from Mexico will certainly be there.

Vera Cruz will soon register his best fighters for our international WKF rankings and the next dates for events

There is also a lot of good news from Argentina!

WKF ARGENTINA has two additional new organizers.

On August, Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th, Messrs. Adrián CURRULEF and Daniel PAINELAF received their certification as National Promoter of our WKF – World Kickboxing Federation.

Covid – International 🙂

Committed to their work, beyond naming competitors for Egypt, they are already planning an international characteristics event and developing a work strategy for the next World Championships in China and France.

Sr. Tomas Alejandro MELLADO

On the same day, TEAM MELLADO’s official membership in the World Kickboxing Federation was handed over.
Sr. Tomas Alejandro MELLADO is next big team and and would like to strengthen the Argentinian team in Cairo.

Argentinian course for new WKF judges with license!

On August 24th and 25th, the level 1 judges and arbitration workshop with official WKF certification took place in a double shift under the direction of Carlos Suarez.

This new work team consists of:
Agustina Vidal, Hugo Reinoso, Yocelin Balboa, Jonatan Morales, Cecilia Morales, Yonathan Borda, Lucas Astete, Vanesa Torres, Mauricio Sosa and Romina Martinez.

The 2 days lasted almost 6 hours and despite the cold they stayed in their seats with great joy in learning. Now they will move on to drills and then event times to get their certification and referee book.

Suarez emphasized: “I would like to personally thank you for your efforts and attention during the course.”

Agustina Vidal, Hugo Reinoso, Yocelin Balboa, Jonatan Morales, Cecilia Morales, Yonathan Borda, Lucas Astete, Vanesa Torres, Mauricio Sosa und Romina Martinez

New president of the WKF in Guatemala

Axel José Domínguez González

Our WKF Latin America President Mr. Carlos SUAREZ proudly reports:

We welcome Axel José Domínguez González to WKF, our new representative in GUATEMALA Central America.

There he will be responsible for the construction of the national league for the World Cup in China and France.
In addition to generating national and international contests.

Welcome to the WKF family



Nuevo presidente de la WKF en Guatemala

Damos la bienvenida a Axel José Domínguez González a WKF, nuevo representante en GUATEMALA Centroamérica.

Allí será el responsable de la construcción de la liga nacional de cara al Mundial de China y Francia.
Además de generar concursos nacionales e internacionales.

Bienvenido a la familia WKF



51 страна уже подтверждена для участия в чемпионате мира года

теперь возможно

Вы можете найти приглашение на Всемирный семинар судей за выходные до ЗДЕСЬ!

Президент WKF EGYPT г-н Мохамед ДЕССУКИ приглашает мир на следующее ЧЕМПИОНАТ МИРА WKF 2021, 18-24 октября. Красивый город Каир на реке Нил – принимающий город.
На сегодняшний день у нас зарегистрировано 57 стран со всех 6 континентов. Также будут присутствовать многие участники смешанных боевых искусств и полуконтактных видов спорта, а также огромная команда WKF CHINA для Санда.
10 лучших наций Буэнос-Айреса

Муай Тай в Каире полностью соответствует правилам Муай Тай, и всем нравится это решение.
В спорте нет расовых, социальных или политических барьеров, а это означает, что это идеальный способ для всех мужчин и женщин, мальчиков и девочек достичь потрясающих результатов, независимо от расы, вероисповедания или цвета кожи.
Возможность представлять свою страну на международном уровне во имя спорта, вероятно, является одним из величайших достижений, которых может достичь человек. На этом уровне спортсмены испытывают огромное давление, выходящее далеко за рамки нормальной физической выносливости. Чтобы победить на таком высоком уровне, участники должны использовать внутренние ресурсы, к которым они были подготовлены за годы обучения.
огромный зал для мероприятий в Каире

Приезжайте и посмотрите на прекрасный город Каир, дружелюбных людей, культуру, отличные номера, отличную еду, знаменитую культуру, выпечку и торты и действительно отличный чемпионат мира в Египте.

Этого она ожидает в Каире в 2021 году

Египет приветствует вас

WKF World Kickboxing Federation Announcement …

WKF World president Mr. Fritz EXENBERGER and WKF CHINA president Sifu YAN DINAN in the last meeting in Chengdu, China

… regarding the registration and submission of athletes participating in the

“WKF World Kickboxing Championship 2022”

WKF World Kickboxing Federation China has received a notice from the WKF World Kickboxing Federation Headquarters and will immediately begin the selection and registration of athletes for the “2022 WKF World Kickboxing Championships”.

All Chinese athletes participating in the 2022 WKF World Kickboxing Championships, including all participating athletes from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, will submit all athlete registration materials to the WKF World Kickboxing Federation in China.


WKF World is reported to the headquarters of WKF World Kickboxing Federation after the unified review of China Kickboxing Federation.

All athletes who pass the qualification examination will receive the “WKF International Boxer License” athlete registration certificate issued by the headquarters of the WKF World Kickboxing Federation, as well as participating in various professional and amateur WKF organized by WK​​​​ Qualifications for the competition; the results of the competition are all included in the official WKF rankings.






所有参加2022年WKF世界跆拳道锦标赛的中国运动员,包括来自中国大陆、香港、澳门和台湾的所有参赛运动员,将向中国的WKF世界跆拳道联合会提交所有运动员注册材料。 WKF世界经中国跆拳道联合会统一审核后,上报WKF世界跆拳道联合会总部。所有通过资格考试的运动员将获得由WKF世界跆拳道联合会总部颁发的《WKF国际拳击手执照》运动员注册证书,以及参加WKF组织的各种专业和业余WKF资​​格赛竞赛;比赛结果均列入WKF官方排名。


World Championships 2021 in Cairo – REGISTRATION DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 30th !





request  today your personal password

Over 30 nations have already registered

كل التفاصيل والمعلومات يمكن العثور عليها هنا

Welcome to Cairo





Mr. Fritz EXENBERGER and Mr. Mohamed DESSOUKI

WKF NETHERLANDS confirm huge team for the World Championships


Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis op het Afrikaanse continent!


Het Nederlandse WKF-team werkt hard voor het Wereldkampioenschap in Caïro, Egypte. Het wordt gehouden van 18 tot 24 oktober 2021. Promotor WKF AFRICA continentale federatie!

Atleten van het Nederlandse team zullen deelnemen aan verschillende disciplines. Het Nederlandse team heeft ook scheidsrechters die deelnemen aan het World Referee seminar.

Het team staat onder leiding van de WKF Nederlandse president Sijou VAN DER SPEK.

Als u zich bij het Nederlandse team wilt aansluiten, neem dan vandaag nog contact op met Sijou VAN DER SPEK.

U kunt uw verzoek sturen naar:

Je kunt deelnemen aan verschillende disciplines en categorieën:

Voor kinderen onder de 13, junioren onder de 18, volwassenen 16-35, veteranen 35-40 en meesters 40 +: Formulieren, Semi-contact, Licht contact.

Voor volwassenen van 16-35 jaar: kick light, full contact, low kick, K-1, Thai Boxing, Sanda, MMA.

Wacht niet langer

Word lid van de beste en grootste organisatie ter wereld en word lid van de WKF

The Dutch WCF team is working hard for the World Championship in Cairo, Egypt. It will be held from October 18 to 24, 2021. Promoter WKF AFRICA Continental Federation!

Athletes from the Dutch team will participate in different disciplines. The Dutch team also has referees who participate in the World Referee seminar. The team is led by WKF Dutch president Sijou VAN DER SPEK.

If you would like to join the Dutch team, please contact Sijou VAN DER SPEK today. You can send your request to:

You can participate in different disciplines and categories: For Children Under 13, Juniors Under 18, Adults 16-35, Veterans 35-40, and Masters 40+: Forms, Semi-Contact, Light Contact. For adults aged 16-35: kick light, full contact, low kick, K-1, Thai Boxing, Sanda, MMA. Do not wait any longer. Join the best and largest organization in the world and become a member of the WKF


Representa a tu país en el Mundial de Egipto, representar a Sudamérica ante el resto de los continentes en El Cairo

Queridos amigos del deporte,

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la Copa del Mundo 2021 en El Cairo, comuníquese con su oficina de LAC en Buenos Aires con confianza, el Sr. Carlos SUAREZ puede responder sus preguntas.

Correo electrónico WKF director LAC:

ABIERTO AHORA – hasta el 30 de septiembre

Tenga en cuenta también que cada nación participante debe traer al menos un árbitro de la WKF con licencia. Por lo tanto, recomendamos encarecidamente asistir al Seminario Mundial de Árbitros el fin de semana anterior.

Allí puede obtener todas sus licencias o extender su licencia por 3 años más.

Con esta carta, me gustaría recordarle que registre su equipo nacional en El Cairo en línea ahora.

La invitación completa a El Cairo está aquí:

El registro en línea de los luchadores del equipo nacional con foto para El Cairo está aquí:   ¡Utilice solo el navegador estándar de Google!





Después del virus mundial, es un momento difícil para todos encontrar patrocinadores y formar un equipo. Esto se aplica a América Latina, pero también a Europa y aún más a todos los países de África. Gracias a todos y espero verlos en El Cairo en la histórica primera Copa del Mundo sobre la continuación africana.

European open Cups in Austria













In Korneuburg near Vienna on September 18th again three TOP sporting events take place!

All athletes

regardless of the sports association or nationality,

are eligible to participate


European Cup in  forms, 10 classes, for U 13 / U 18 and general class, with and without music


European Cup team fight in semi-contact or points for 2 women and 3 men

Bonus for the winning team € 2,500 in cash

Registration deadline September 10th!


Godzilla needs food 🙂

In the evening from 4 p.m. the “21st Night of Glory” with the best fighters from Austria and international champions.

Main fight Ladies WKF K-1 heavyweight + 66 Kg / + 145 lbs European title  Alexandra “GODZILLA” PETRE from Vienna vs. Czech European current Champion Petra NEMCOVA from Brno.

Plus Austrian titel in K-1 in Superheavyweight +91 Kg / 200 lbs, Manuel RAINER vs. Daniel HIRLAU !

WKF Canada president Wolfgang BRUTTER

WKF CANADA director since 2012 Wolfgang BRUTTER

WKF CANADA president and WKF North America continental federation director Mr. Wolfgang BRUTTER  is very successful in developing WKF in Canada.

since 2012 WKF CANADA

Nobody in the world cares what a poor, lonesome kangaroo posts somewhere in the Australian bush.

WKF presidents of Austria, Hungary, Canada, China, France and Portugal

Wolfgang BRUTTER is our high respected member since 2012.

registration for Canada now open

In 2014, he already led a large and very successful national team to Prague for the WKF World Championship.

Best Canadian fighter 2014 was Gail KING, two Silver and one bronze medal.

At the following WKF World Championship 2016 in Italy, Wolfgang brought an even bigger team to Europe.

WKF World directors in Italy 2016

Team Canada achieved an incredible second place in the total Nations ranking with 16 gold 20 silver and 8 bronze medals! Many photos in the Gallery archive !

Canadian Ladies team for the World Championships 2021 in Cairo
TEAM WKF CANADA in Italy 2016

Wolfgang was also appointed supervisor in the ring divisions in Italy and did a great job.

Our WKF CANADA office is GUELPH MMA in Ontario.

Mr. Brutter prepare a huge and strong team for the upcoming amazing World Championships 2021 in Cairo in October.

Canada is today on pos. 11th in the all time country World ranking!