WKF Arab and Middle east directors

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إن شاء الله التشكيل الجديد للهيئه الإداريه العليا للمنطقة العربيه والشرق الأوسط
وليس رؤساء الإتحاد في هذه الدول
فالرؤساء موجودين بالفعل كل في مكانه
ولايوجد أي تغيير لرؤساء الدول بالإتحاد العالمي للكيك بوكسينج
والله الموفق للجميع

Mr. Mohamed Dessouki – Member of the International Rules Committee

Head of the Arab region and the Middle East and A1 supervisor of Africa


مقطورة مصر الجديدة هنا

full information HERE

Mr. Husam Majeed – WKF IRAQ- Vice President of the Middle East for Technical Affairs – Chairman of the Referees Committee

Mr. Kapten Mahmad Samir Vice President of the Middle East Region for Administrative Affairs-Media official and spokesperson
And the Acting wkf in Egypt

Mss. Rasha Shawki
General organizer of international and events in the Arab region and the Middle East

. د. ماجد الاسي
Dr. Majed al-Assi WKF PALESTINE – Chairman of the Diplomatic Relations Committee

Mr. المستشار إسماعيل الأنصاريIsmeel Elansary Legal advisor for the Arab region and the Middle East

Mr. Omar Chebali, WKF MOROCCO, our African continental MMA director and K-1 expert

Mr.Cap. Mohamed Fathalla
Chairman of the Committee for Professionalism in the Arab Region and the Middle East

Mr.محمد السبيتي Muhammad Al-Subaiti – Chairman of the Examinations Committee
جمال الاسيوطي
Mr. Gamal El Assiuti Chairman of the Protocol Committee

Mr. عبدالكريم حلمي حماد Abdul Karim Helmy Responsible Fitness

Mr. Daoud Alawad WKF THE UNITED RAB EMIRATES – Head of the coaches committee


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